Camper Safety & Well-Being is our Number One Priority
Our health staff consists of an on-site doctor, five registered nurses, a Health Center Manager and two student nurses who oversee the medical care of our campers throughout the summer. Our doctors and nurses all live on campus to ensure appropriate care, 24 hours a day. Our on-campus Health Center is a clean, bright and spacious building equipped with two separate examination rooms, medicine dispensary, full kitchen as well as a ‘quiet room’ for campers and staff to rest. We are only a short distance from two health clinics in our local area and two major hospitals in Honesdale, PA and Binghamton, NY.
Campers carry a water bottle to activities and are encouraged to drink throughout the day to remain hydrated. They are also constantly reminded to apply sun-screen and to wash their hands before meals. There are several hand sanitizer stations throughout camp and on each table in the dining room. Out of extra caution, the campus is sprayed for ticks, mosquitoes and poison ivy and counselors help the girls do tick checks after a nature walk or overnight. We hire a professional lice company to come to camp three times to conduct head checks and will treat the campers as necessary

A Little Extra “TLC”
We understand that young girls away from home dealing with a health issue often need an extra dose of “tender loving care.” It is essential that our nurses have not only the credentials and experience to be a skilled RN but also have the right temperament and bed-side manner to work with children. They understand that working in a summer camp requires them to be sensitive to the needs of children. If a camper sees the doctor, the doctor will call the parents to discuss their diagnosis. Parents will also receive a call from the HC manager if their child needs to stay in the Health Center overnight. You may also speak to your child personally and check in on her throughout her stay.

During the summer our campers are constantly on the go-go-go…so it’s extremely important that they eat right to maintain their health and energy. Our menu is both diverse and nutritionally sound with well-balanced meals that kids enjoy eating. Of course we realize that not every child is going to like every meal, so we always have multiple options available. Complimenting every meal is an outstanding salad bar (or ‘breakfast bar’ at breakfast). We also have an afternoon snack everyday at 4:30pm on the dining room lawn, such as fresh peaches, plums, apples, goldfish, pretzels, ice pops, cookies, etc.
We’re able to accommodate campers with specific food allergies and invite you to contact us to speak more about your child’s dietary or medical needs. We also have a ‘special diet’s’ Chef specifically for members of our community who are vegetarians, have Celiac or food allergies (we are a nut-aware camp). In addition, our Dining Room Manager works the dining room of every meal to help ensure that our pickier eaters or those with special dietary needs are looked after.