Daily Schedule

  • 7:15amEarly Bird
    Six days a week, campers have the option to wake up early and participate at an early bird activity. Tennis, Gymnastics and Golf are each offered four days a week.
  • 8:00amWake Up!
    Campers awake to a friendly ‘Good morning Camp Wayne’ over the loud speaker followed by upbeat music.
  • 8:15amTrivia
    A trivia question of the day helps to get kids out of the bunk.
  • 8:20amLine-up
    Campers and counselors gather ‘round the flagpole for morning announcements, thought of the day, raising of the flag and good & welfare to get the day started on a positive note.
  • 8:30amBreakfast
    Hot meal served family style along with full breakfast bar including over 12 cold cereals, hot cereals, fresh fruit, yogurt, granola, hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese and more.
  • 9:00amClean Up / Inspection
    Campers & counselors work together to keep their bunk clean. There’s a rotating job chart to indicate their responsibilities like sweeping, watering the porch flowers, bunk DJ, mail runner, clothesline, etc.
  • 9:45amFirst Period
    Campers travel by age group to morning activities.
  • 10:50amSecond Period
    The change of activities is signaled by music playing over the loud speaker.
  • 11:50amThird Period
    Selective is an elective period that provides campers with an opportunity to get extra instruction in activities they enjoy. Campers sign up in advance for a different activity each day.
  • 12:50pmLunch
    Kid-friendly meal served family style along with full service salad and substitute bar containing fresh greens, vegetables, pasta, an assortment of protein like cheese, cold cuts, tofu, edamame and much, much more!
  • 1:30pmRest Hour
    A time to relax in the bunk, write letters, play games, bond with friends and recharge for afternoon activities.
  • 2:30pmFourth Period
    Activity with age group.
  • 3:35pmFifth Period:
    Activity with age group.
  • 4:30pmSnack!
    Snack is served on waterfront hill. There is always fruit available as an option as well as snacks for those campers with special dietary needs.
  • 4:30pmSixth Period
    Hobby Hour is an elective period that is recreational or instructional. General swim is one of the more popular hobby hour activities, especially on a warm day.
  • 5:30pmShower Hour
    Campers & staff return to the bunks to shower before dinner.
  • 6:30pmDinner
    Daily entrée along with full salad and substitute bar. Plain pasta is always available for our pickier eaters.
  • 7:15pmFree Play
    Campers have free time to chill or play on campus. Free play is a great time to hang out with a camp or real sister. Staff members are assigned to posts for supervision.
  • 7:45pmEvening Activity
    Whether a wacky game, a creative performance or a chill movie night, there is an evening activity planned every night of the summer.
  • 9:30-11:30pmLights Out:
    Lights out time varies with age. If campers have an evening activity that ends early they will have flashlight time in their beds after lights out. Our three oldest age groups have a lounge so campers can stay up later without disturbing their bunk mates.

*On Wednesday mornings, campers sleep late and can come to breakfast between 9am-10am in their pajamas!  They have an hour of Free Play where they can hang in the bunk, do gymnastics or play on campus.  There is one group activity in the morning and one in the afternoon, followed by an all-camp special event.

A Glimpse Inside Summer 2019 Yearbook Video